About Me

Roland and I love to go on movie dates. I love them so much, I started collecting the toys I liked. This has allowed me to revisit my favorite movie scenes and to have a lot fun going to Film Reviews auctions and garage sales.blog readingUnacceptably Bad Movies 21Bad Movies HealthThe Suits Of James BondA Mortal Doth ApproachI made these moviesScree

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Was Leprechaun 7 a bad movie?

Leprechaun Film: Origins is a Leprechaun film by name only. There are no origins. This movie is lacking in atmosphere, mystery and blood. No comedy. The series was childlike, even at its weakest. First series without Warwick Davis. The creature is a full-sized, nonverbal, obviously primeval goblin. (updated) Four American students exploring Ireland

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Was The Leprechaun Reboot (2014) worth the watch?

Origins is a root canal for movies. It hurts, can go on for a long while, and makes you feel hollow and empty inside. There is nothing worse than watching this garbage. I think they were paid for their praises of the movie. new update Otherwise, it would be impossible for anyone else to have anything to say. Even the silly and misguided Leprechaun

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RoboCop movie review

Verhoeven's finest work is RoboCop. Outstanding filmmaker at the top of his craft, Robocop was a wonderful 1980s masterpiece. It is difficult to believe it has Robocop just been discovered.

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